When and where is the Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) Convention? The 2022 Convention of the Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) will be held in Edmonton, Alberta on November 4th and 5th – featuring keynotes, organizing sessions, and the election of a new LPC(A) Board and LPC(A) Commissions representatives. The 2022 Convention of the Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) will be held in Edmonton, Alberta, at the Fairmont Hotel MacDonald. More details on activities will be coming soon! What are the registration fees? The Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) has worked to keep the registration fees especially low, to encourage as many Liberals as possible to join. You must pay your registration amount when you register. What are some important dates to remember? September 1: Registration opens for the 2022 Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) Convention September 29: Applications open to stand as a candidate for election to the LPC(A) Board or an LPC(A) Commission Representative October 21: Deadline to submit an application package to stand as a candidate for election to the LPC(A)Board or an LPC(A) Commission Executive October 28: Last day to register as Liberal and be eligible to vote during convention November 4-5: Convention takes place in Edmonton, AB and you can still register on the spot! How do I pay for my registration fee? LPC(A) registration fees must be paid either from an individual’s own personal funds, by an Electoral District Association, or from funds raised through other eligible contributors. We cannot accept cash payments, or payments from corporations. For more detailed information for EDAs on how to assist registrants with their fees and expenses, email alberta2022@liberal.ca. Is my registration fee eligible for a tax receipt? Yes. A receipt for income tax purposes will be issued to all registrants for an eligible contribution amount. A portion of your registration fee is considered a donation to the Liberal Party of Canada and is therefore tax-deductible and entitles you to a tax credit. The size of your tax credit depends on the amount you donate in 2022. How can my registration information be used and protected? Protecting the information of the Canadians with whom we engage is a foremost priority for the party in all of our operations, organizing, and communications – and of course, that includes our 2022 Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) Convention. As one part of that commitment, the Liberal Party of Canada has a clear and stringent privacy policy in place which is designed to protect individual Canadians’ private information by ensuring its confidentiality, security and accuracy. This policy can be viewed here: www.liberal.ca/privacy In certain circumstances, the party may also share convention attendees’ registration information with our 2022 Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) Convention hosting partners, such as event production partners. Candidates for election to party boards at this convention may also receive lists of eligible voters for those contests, and the temporary use of those lists is strictly governed by our privacy policy and bylaws. Media Inquiries For all media inquiries, please contact media@liberal.ca